GK&W - Attorneys at Law

Modification of Child Support and Visitation Agreements

Parents have the obligation to support their children. For the custodial parent, that support is to provide a home for the child and to pay every day expenses for the non-custodial parent, this is usually an obligation to pay child support stated as a percentage of the non-custodial parent’s net income.

Illinois courts generally follow the following guidelines for determining the percentage of required child support payments for the non-custodial parent based upon net income:

                            One child                          20%

                            Two children                     25

                            Three                               32

                            Four                                 40         

                            Five                                 50

                            Six                                  50

                            Seven                              50

These guidelines apply in the vast majority of cases, but our firm has successfully reduced child support payments as a percentage of income for business owners and high income parents.